Improving MySQL with Tarantool
Replicating MySQL is one of the Tarantool’s killer functions. It allows you to keep your existing MySQL database while at the same time accelerating it and scaling it out horizontally. Even if you aren’t interested in extensive expansion, simply replacing existing replicas with Tarantool can save you money, because Tarantool is more efficient per core than MySQL. To read a testimonial of a company that implemented Tarantool replication on a large scale, please see here.
- if you run into any trouble with regards to the basics of Tarantool, you may wish to consult the Getting started guide or the Data model description.
- these instructions are for CentOS 7.5 and MySQL 5.7. They also assume that you have systemd installed and are working with an existing MySQL installation.
- a helpful log for troubleshooting during this tutorial is
. You can also have a look at the instance’s logexample.log
So let’s proceed.
First we’ll install the necessary packages in CentOS:
yum -y install git ncurses-devel cmake gcc-c++ boost boost-devel wget unzip nano bzip2 mysql-devel mysql-lib
Next we’ll clone the Tarantool-MySQL replication package from GitHub:
git clone
Now we can build the replicator with cmake:
cd mysql-tarantool-replication git submodule update --init --recursive cmake . make
Our replicator will run as a systemd daemon called replicatord, so let’s edit its systemd service file,
, in the mysql-tarantool-replication repo.nano replicatord.service
Change the following line:
ExecStart=/usr/local/sbin/replicatord -c /usr/local/etc/replicatord.cfg
Replace the
extension with.yml
:ExecStart=/usr/local/sbin/replicatord -c /usr/local/etc/replicatord.yml
Next let’s copy some files from our replicatord repo to other necessary locations:
cp replicatord /usr/local/sbin/replicatord cp replicatord.service /etc/systemd/system
Now let’s enter the MySQL console and create a sample database (depending on your existing installation, you may of course be a user other than root):
mysql -u root -p CREATE DATABASE menagerie; QUIT
Next we’ll get some sample data from MySQL, which we’ll pull into our root directory, then install from the terminal:
cd wget unzip cd menagerie-db mysql -u root -p menagerie < cr_pet_tbl.sql mysql -u root -p menagerie < load_pet_tbl.sql mysql menagerie -u root -p < ins_puff_rec.sql mysql menagerie -u root -p < cr_event_tbl.sql
Let’s enter the MySQL console now and massage the data for use with the Tarantool replicator (we are adding an ID, changing a field name to avoid conflict, and cutting down the number of fields; note that with real data, this is the step that will involve the most tweaking):
mysql -u root -p USE menagerie; ALTER TABLE pet ADD id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT FIRST; ALTER TABLE pet CHANGE COLUMN 'name' 'name2' VARCHAR(255); ALTER TABLE pet DROP sex, DROP birth, DROP death; QUIT
Now that we have the sample data set up, we’ll need to edit MySQL’s configuration file for use with the replicator.
cd nano /etc/my.cnf
Note that your
for MySQL could be in a slightly different location. Set:[mysqld] binlog_format = ROW server_id = 1 log-bin = mysql-bin interactive_timeout = 3600 wait_timeout = 3600 max_allowed_packet = 32M socket = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock bind-address = [client] socket = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
After exiting nano, we’ll restart mysqld:
systemctl restart mysqld
Next, let’s install Tarantool and set up spaces for replication. Go to the Download page and follow the instructions there to install Tarantool.
Now we will write a standard Tarantool program by editing the Lua example, which comes with Tarantool:
cd nano /etc/tarantool/instances.available/example.lua
Replace the entire contents of the file with the following:
box.cfg { listen = 3301; memtx_memory = 128 * 1024 * 1024; -- 128Mb memtx_min_tuple_size = 16; memtx_max_tuple_size = 128 * 1024 * 1024; -- 128Mb vinyl_memory = 128 * 1024 * 1024; -- 128Mb vinyl_cache = 128 * 1024 * 1024; -- 128Mb vinyl_max_tuple_size = 128 * 1024 * 1024; -- 128Mb vinyl_write_threads = 2; wal_mode = "none"; wal_max_size = 256 * 1024 * 1024; checkpoint_interval = 60 * 60; -- one hour checkpoint_count = 6; force_recovery = true; -- 1 – SYSERROR -- 2 – ERROR -- 3 – CRITICAL -- 4 – WARNING -- 5 – INFO -- 6 – VERBOSE -- 7 – DEBUG log_level = 7; too_long_threshold = 0.5; } box.schema.user.grant('guest','read,write,execute','universe') local function bootstrap() if not then s ='mysqldaemon') s:create_index('primary', {type = 'tree', parts = {1, 'unsigned'}, if_not_exists = true}) end if not then t ='mysqldata') t:create_index('primary', {type = 'tree', parts = {1, 'unsigned'}, if_not_exists = true}) end end bootstrap()
To understand more of what’s happening here, it would be best to have a look back at the earlier articles in the Tarantool 101 series or use the getting-started guide.
Now we need to create a symlink from
to a directory namedinstances.enabled
(similar to NGINX). So in/etc/tarantool
run the following:mkdir instances.enabled ln -s /instances.available/example.lua instances.enabled
Next we can start up our Lua program with
, the Tarantool command-line utility:tt start example
Now let’s enter our Tarantool instance, where we can check that our target spaces were successfully created:
tt connect example
At the bottom you will see “mysqldaemon” and “mysqldata” spaces. Then exit with “CTRL+C”.
Now that we have MySQL and Tarantool set up, we can proceed to configure our replicator. First let’s work with
in the maintarantool-mysql-replication
directory.nano replicatord.yml
Change the entire file as follows, making sure to add your MySQL password and to set the appropriate user:
mysql: host: port: 3306 user: root password: connect_retry: 15 # seconds tarantool: host: binlog_pos_space: 512 binlog_pos_key: 0 connect_retry: 15 # seconds sync_retry: 1000 # milliseconds mappings: - database: menagerie table: pet columns: [ id, name2, owner, species ] space: 513 key_fields: [ 0 ] # insert_call: function_name # update_call: function_name # delete_call: function_name
Now we need to copy replicatord.yml to the location where systemd looks for it:
cp replicatord.yml /usr/local/etc/replicatord.yml
Next we can start up the replicator:
systemctl start replicatord
Now we can enter our Tarantool instance and do a select on the “mysqldata” space. We will see the replicated content from MySQL:
tt connect example
tarantool> --- - - [1, 'Fluffy', 'Harold', 'cat'] - [2, 'Claws', 'Gwen', 'cat'] - [3, 'Buffy', 'Harold', 'dog'] - [4, 'Fang', 'Benny', 'dog'] - [5, 'Bowser', 'Diane', 'dog'] - [6, 'Chirpy', 'Gwen', 'bird'] - [7, 'Whistler', 'Gwen', 'bird'] - [8, 'Slim', 'Benny', 'snake'] - [9, 'Puffball', 'Diane', 'hamster']
Finally let’s enter a record into MySQL and then go back to Tarantool to make sure it’s replicated. So first we’ll exit our Tarantool instance with
, and then say:mysql -u root -p USE menagerie; INSERT INTO pet(name2, owner, species) VALUES ('Spot', 'Brad', 'dog'); QUIT
Once back in the terminal enter:
tt connect example
You should see the replicated data in Tarantool!