Module txn | Tarantool

Module txn

bool box_txn(void)

Return true if there is an active transaction.

int box_txn_begin(void)

Begin a transaction in the current fiber.

A transaction is attached to caller fiber, therefore one fiber can have only one active transaction. See also box.begin().

Returns:0 on success
Returns:-1 on error. Perhaps a transaction has already been started.
int box_txn_commit(void)

Commit the current transaction. See also box.commit().

Returns:0 on success
Returns:-1 on error. Perhaps a disk write failure
void box_txn_rollback(void)

Roll back the current transaction. See also box.rollback().

box_txn_savepoint_t *savepoint(void)

Return a descriptor of a savepoint.

void box_txn_rollback_to_savepoint(box_txn_savepoint_t *savepoint)

Roll back the current transaction as far as the specified savepoint.

void *box_txn_alloc(size_t size)

Allocate memory on txn memory pool.

The memory is automatically deallocated when the transaction is committed or rolled back.

Returns:NULL on out of memory
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