Module merger | Tarantool

Module merger

The merger module takes a stream of tuples and provides access to them as tables.

The four functions for creating a merger object instance are:

The methods for using a merger object are:

merger.new_tuple_source(gen, param, state)

Create a new merger instance from a tuple source.

A tuple source just returns one tuple.

The generator function gen() allows creation of multiple tuples via an iterator.

The gen() function should return:

  • state, tuple each time it is called and a new tuple is available,
  • nil when no more tuples are available.
  • gen – function for iteratively returning tuples
  • param – parameter for the gen function

merger-object a merger object

Example: see merger_object:pairs() method.

merger.new_buffer_source(gen, param, state)

Create a new merger instance from a buffer source.

Parameters and return: same as for merger.new_tuple_source.

To set up a buffer, or a series of buffers, use the buffer module.

merger.new_table_source(gen, param, state)

Create a new merger instance from a table source.

Parameters and return: same as for merger.new_tuple_source.

Example: see merger_object:select() method., sources, options)

Create a new merger instance from a merger source.

A merger source is created from a key_def object and a set of (tuple or buffer or table or merger) sources. It performs a kind of merge sort. It chooses a source with a minimal / maximal tuple on each step, consumes a tuple from this source, and repeats.

  • key_def – object created with key_def
  • source – parameter for the gen() function
  • optionsreverse=true if descending, false or nil if ascending

merger-object a merger object

A key_def can be cached across requests with the same ordering rules (typically these would be requests accessing the same space).

Example: see merger_object:pairs() method.

object merger_object

A merger object is an object returned by:

It has methods:

merger_object:select([buffer[, limit]])

Access the contents of a merger object with familiar select syntax.


a table of tuples, similar to what select would return

Example with new_table_source():

-- Source via new_table_source, simple generator function
-- tarantool> s:select()
-- ---
-- - - [100]
--   - [200]
-- ...
function merger_function(param)
  k = k + 1
  if param[k] == nil then return nil end
  return box.NULL, param[k]
chunks[1] = {{100}} chunks[2] = {{200}} chunks[3] = nil
s = merger.new_table_source(merger_function, chunks)

The pairs() method (or the equivalent ipairs() alias method) returns a luafun iterator. It is a Lua iterator, but also provides a set of handy methods to operate in functional style.

  • tuple (table) – tuple or Lua table with field contents

the tuples that can be found with a standard pairs() function

Example with new_tuple_source():

-- Source via new_tuple_source, from a space of tables
-- The result will look like this:
-- tarantool> so:pairs():totable()
-- ---
-- - - [100]
--   - [200]
-- ...
merger = require('merger')'s')'i'){100}){200})
so = merger.new_tuple_source(

Example with two mergers:

-- Source via key_def, and table data

-- Create the key_def object
merger = require('merger')
key_def_lib = require('key_def')
key_def ={{
    fieldno = 1,
    type = 'string',
-- Create the table source
data = {{'a'}, {'b'}, {'c'}}
source = merger.new_source_fromtable(data)
i1 =, {source}):pairs()
i2 =, {source}):pairs()
-- t1 will be 'a' (tuple 1 from merger 1)
t1 = i1:head():totable()
-- t3 will be 'c' (tuple 3 from merger 2)
t3 = i2:head():totable()
-- t2 will be 'b' (tuple 2 from merger 1)
t2 = i1:head():totable()
-- i1:is_null() will be true (merger 1 ends)
-- i2:is_null() will be true (merger 2 ends)

More examples:

See which, in addition to discussing the merger API in detail, shows Lua code for handling many more situations than are in this manual’s brief examples.

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