specifying a sequence in create_index() | Tarantool
Reference Built-in modules reference Module box Sequences specifying a sequence in create_index()

specifying a sequence in create_index()

object space_object
space_object:create_index(... [sequence='...' option] ...)

You can use the sequence=sequence-name (or sequence=sequence-id or sequence=true) option when creating or altering a primary-key index. The sequence becomes associated with the index, so that the next insert() will put the next generated number into the primary-key field, if the field would otherwise be nil.

The syntax may be any of:
sequence = sequence identifier
or sequence = {id = sequence identifier }
or sequence = {field = field number }
or sequence = {id = sequence identifier , field = field number }
or sequence = true
or sequence = {}.
The sequence identifier may be either a number (the sequence id) or a string (the sequence name). The field number may be the ordinal number of any field in the index; default = 1. Examples of all possibilities: sequence = 1 or sequence = 'sequence_name' or sequence = {id = 1} or sequence = {id = 'sequence_name'} or sequence = {id = 1, field = 1} or sequence = {id = 'sequence_name', field = 1} or sequence = {field = 1} or sequence = true or sequence = {}. Notice that the sequence identifier can be omitted, if it is omitted then a new sequence is created automatically with default name = space-name_seq. Notice that the field number does not have to be 1, that is, the sequence can be associated with any field in the primary-key index.

For example, if ‘Q’ is a sequence and ‘T’ is a new space, then this will work:

tarantool> box.space.T:create_index('Q',{sequence='Q'})
- unique: true
  - type: unsigned
    is_nullable: false
    fieldno: 1
  sequence_id: 8
  id: 0
  space_id: 514
  name: Q
  type: TREE

(Notice that the index now has a sequence_id field.)

And this will work:

tarantool> box.space.T:insert{box.NULL,0}
- [1, 0]


The index key type may be either ‘integer’ or ‘unsigned’. If any of the sequence options is a negative number, then the index key type should be ‘integer’.

Users should not insert a value greater than 9223372036854775807, which is 2^63 - 1, in the indexed field. The sequence generator will ignore it.

A sequence cannot be dropped if it is associated with an index. However, index_object:alter() can be used to say that a sequence is not associated with an index, for example box.space.T.index.I:alter({sequence=false}).

If a sequence was created automatically because the sequence identifier was omitted, then it will be dropped automatically if the index is altered so that sequence=false, or if the index is dropped.

index_object:alter() can also be used to associate a sequence with an existing index, with the same syntax for options.

When a sequence is used with an index based on a JSON path, inserted tuples must have all components of the path preceding the autoincrement field, and the autoincrement field. To achieve that use box.NULL rather than nil. Example:

s = box.schema.space.create('test')
s:create_index('pk', {parts = {{'[1].a.b[1]', 'unsigned'}}, sequence = true})
s:replace{} -- error
s:replace{{c = {}}} -- error
s:replace{{a = {c = {}}}} -- error
s:replace{{a = {b = {}}}} -- error
s:replace{{a = {b = {nil}}}} -- error
s:replace{{a = {b = {box.NULL}}}} -- ok
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