Submodule box.cfg | Tarantool

Submodule box.cfg

The box.cfg submodule is used for specifying server configuration parameters.

To view the current configuration, say box.cfg without braces:

tarantool> box.cfg
- checkpoint_count: 2
  too_long_threshold: 0.5
  slab_alloc_factor: 1.05
  memtx_max_tuple_size: 1048576
  background: false

To set particular parameters, use the following syntax: box.cfg{key = value [, key = value ...]} (further referred to as box.cfg{...} for short). For example:

tarantool> box.cfg{listen = 3301}

Parameters that are not specified in the box.cfg{...} call explicitly will be set to the default values.

If you say box.cfg{} with no parameters, Tarantool applies the following default settings to all the parameters:

tarantool> box.cfg{}
tarantool> box.cfg -- sorted in the alphabetic order
- background                   = false
  checkpoint_count             = 2
  checkpoint_interval          = 3600
  checkpoint_wal_threshold     = 1000000000000000000
  coredump                     = false
  custom_proc_title            = nil
  feedback_enabled             = true
  feedback_host                = ''
  feedback_interval            = 3600
  force_recovery               = false
  hot_standby                  = false
  instance_uuid                = nil -- generated automatically
  io_collect_interval          = nil
  iproto_threads               = 1
  listen                       = nil
  log                          = nil
  log_format                   = plain
  log_level                    = 5
  log_nonblock                 = true
  memtx_dir                    = '.'
  memtx_max_tuple_size         = 1024 * 1024
  memtx_memory                 = 256 * 1024 *1024
  memtx_min_tuple_size         = 16
  net_msg_max                  = 768
  pid_file                     = nil
  readahead                    = 16320
  read_only                    = false
  replicaset_uuid              = nil -- generated automatically
  replication                  = nil
  replication_anon             = false
  replication_connect_timeout  = 30
  replication_skip_conflict    = false
  replication_sync_lag         = 10
  replication_sync_timeout     = 300
  replication_timeout          = 1
  slab_alloc_factor            = 1.05
  snap_io_rate_limit           = nil
  sql_cache_size               = 5242880
  strip_core                   = true
  too_long_threshold           = 0.5
  username                     = nil
  vinyl_bloom_fpr              = 0.05
  vinyl_cache                  = 128 * 1024 * 1024
  vinyl_dir                    = '.'
  vinyl_max_tuple_size         = 1024 * 1024* 1024 * 1024
  vinyl_memory                 = 128 * 1024 * 1024
  vinyl_page_size              = 8 * 1024
  vinyl_range_size             = nil
  vinyl_read_threads           = 1
  vinyl_run_count_per_level    = 2
  vinyl_run_size_ratio         = 3.5
  vinyl_timeout                = 60
  vinyl_write_threads          = 4
  wal_dir                      = '.'
  wal_dir_rescan_delay         = 2
  wal_max_size                 = 256 * 1024 * 1024
  wal_mode                     = 'write'
  worker_pool_threads          = 4
  work_dir                     = nil

The first call to box.cfg{...} (with or without parameters) initiates Tarantool’s database module box.

box.cfg{...} is also the command that reloads persistent data files into RAM upon restart once we have data.

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