Audit log | Tarantool

Audit log

Enterprise Edition

Tarantool Cluster Manager is a part of the Enterprise Edition.

Tarantool Cluster Manager provides the audit logging functionality for tracking user activity and security-related events, such as:

  • Successful and failed login attempts.
  • Access to clusters, their configurations, data models, and stored data.
  • Changes in the access control system: users, roles, passwords, LDAP configurations.

The complete list of TCM audit events is provided in Event types.


TCM audit log records only events that happen in TCM itself. For information about Tarantool audit logging, see Audit module.

Audit logging is disabled in TCM by default. To start recording events, you need to enable and configure it.

The audit log stores event details in the JSON format. Each log entry contains the event type, description, time, impacted objects, and other information that may be used for incident investigation. The complete list of fields is provided in Structure of audit log events.

TCM also provides a built-in interface for reading and searching the audit log. For details, see Viewing audit log.

To enable audit logging in TCM, go to Audit settings and click Enable.

To additionally send audit log events to the standard output, click Send to stdout.

TCM audit events can be logged to a local file or sent to a syslog server. To configure audit logging, go to Audit settings.

To write TCM audit logs to a file:

  1. Go to Audit settings and select the file protocol.
  2. Specify the name of the audit log file. The file appears in the TCM working directory.
  3. Configure the log files rotation: the maximum file size and age, and the number of files to store simultaneously.
  4. (Optional) Enable compression of audit log files.

Configuration parameters:

  • Output file name. The name of the audit log file. Default: audit.log
  • Max size (in MB). The maximum size of the log file before it gets rotated, in megabytes. Default: 100.
  • Max backups. The maximum number of stored audit log files. Default: 10.
  • Max age (in days). The maximum age of audit log files in days. Default: 30.
  • Compress. Compress audit log files into gzip archives when rotating.

If you use a centralized log management system based on syslog, you can configure TCM to send its audit log to your syslog server:

  1. Go to Audit settings and select the syslog protocol.
  2. Enter the syslog server URI and select the network protocol. Typically, syslogd listens on port 514 and uses the UDP protocol.
  3. Specify the syslog logging parameters: timeout, priority, and facility.

Configuration parameters:

  • Protocol. The network protocol used for connecting to the syslog server. Default: udp.
  • Output. The syslog server URI. Default: (localhost).
  • Timeout. The syslog write timeout in the ISO 8601 duration format. Default: PT2S (two seconds).
  • Priority. The syslog severity level. Default: info.
  • Facility. The syslog facility. Default: local0.

When the audit log is enabled, TCM records all audit events listed in Event types. To decrease load and make the audit log comply with specific security requirements, you can record only selected events. For example, these can be events of user account management or events of cluster data access.

To select events to record into the audit log, go to Audit settings and enter their types into the Filters field one-by-one, pressing the Enter key after each type.

To remove an event type from a filters list, click the cross icon beside it.

If the audit log is written to a file, you can view it in TCM on the Audit log page. On this page, you can view or search for events.

To view the details of a logged audit event, click the corresponding line in the table.

To search for an event, use the search bar at the top of the page. Note that the search is case-sensitive. For example, to find events with the ALARM severity, enter ALARM, not alarm.

All entries of the TCM audit log include the mandatory fields listed in the table below.

Field Description Example
time Time of the event 2023-11-23T12:05:27.099+07:00
severity Event severity: VERBOSE, INFO, WARNING, or ALARM INFO
type Audit event type user.update
description Human-readable event description Update user
uuid Event UUID f8744f51-5760-40c3-ae2d-0b4d6b44836f
user UUID of the user who triggered the event 942a4f54-cf7f-4f46-80ce-3511dbbb57b7
remote Remote host that triggered the event
host The TCM host on which the event happened
userAgent Information about the client application and platform that was used to trigger the event Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
permission The permission that was used to trigger the event [“admin.users.write”]
result Event result: ok or nok ok
err Human-readable error description for events with nok result failed to login
fields Additional fields for specific event types in the key-value format

Key examples:

  • clusterId in cluster-related events
  • payload in events that include sending data to the server
  • username in current.* or auth.* events

This is an example of an audit log entry on a successful login attempt:

    "time": "2023-11-23T12:01:27.247+07:00",
    "severity": "INFO",
    "description": "Login user",
    "type": "current.login",
    "uuid": "4b9c2dd1-d9a1-4b40-a448-6bef4a0e5c79",
    "user": "",
    "remote": "",
    "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
    "host": "",
    "permissions": [],
    "result": "ok",
    "fields": [
            "Key": "username",
            "Value": "admin"
            "Key": "method",
            "Value": "null"
            "Key": "output",
            "Value": "true"

The following table lists all possible values of the type field of TCM audit log events.

Event type Description Authentication failed
auth.ok Authentication successful
access.denied An attempt to access an object without the required permission
user.add User added
user.update User updated
user.delete User deleted
secret.add User secret added
secret.update User secret updated
secret.block User secret blocked
secret.unblock User secret unblocked
secret.delete User secret deleted
secret.expire User secret expired
session.revoke Session revoked
session.revokeuser All user’s sessions revoked
explorer.insert Data inserted in a cluster
explorer.delete Data deleted from a cluster
explorer.replace Data replaced in a cluster Stored function called on a cluster
explorer.evaluate Code executed on a cluster
explorer.switchover Master switched manually
test.devmode Switched to development mode
auditlog.config Audit log configuration changed Password policy changed
passwordpolicy.resetpasswords All passwords expired by an administrator Cluster data model saved
ddl.apply Cluster data model applied Cluster configuration saved
cluster.config.reset Saved cluster configuration reset
cluster.config.apply Cluster configuration applied
current.logout User logged out their own session
current.revoke User revoked their own session
current.revokeall User revoked all their active sessions
current.changepassword User changed their password
role.add Role added
role.update Role updated
role.delete Role deleted
cluster.add Cluster added
cluster.update Cluster updated
cluster.delete Cluster removed
ldap.testlogin Login test executed for a LDAP configuration
ldap.testconnection Connection test executed for a LDAP configuration
ldap.add LDAP configuration added
ldap.update LDAP configuration updated
ldap.delete LDAP configuration deleted
addon.enable Add-on enabled
addon.disable Add-on disabled
addon.delete Add-on removed Low-level information saved in the TCM storage (for debug purposes)
tcmstate.delete Low-level information deleted from the TCM storage (for debug purposes)
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