Metrics reference | Tarantool
Administration Monitoring Metrics reference

Metrics reference

This page provides a detailed description of metrics from the metrics module.

General instance information:

tnt_cfg_current_time Instance system time in the Unix timestamp format
tnt_info_uptime Time in seconds since the instance has started
tnt_read_only Indicates if the instance is in read-only mode (1 if true, 0 if false)

The following metrics provide a picture of memory usage by the Tarantool process.

tnt_info_memory_cache Number of bytes in the cache used to store tuples with the vinyl storage engine.
tnt_info_memory_data Number of bytes used to store user data (tuples) with the memtx engine and with level 0 of the vinyl engine, without regard for memory fragmentation.
tnt_info_memory_index Number of bytes used for indexing user data. Includes memtx and vinyl memory tree extents, the vinyl page index, and the vinyl bloom filters.
tnt_info_memory_lua Number of bytes used for the Lua runtime. The Lua memory is limited to 2 GB per instance. Monitoring this metric can prevent memory overflow.
tnt_info_memory_net Number of bytes used for network input/output buffers.
tnt_info_memory_tx Number of bytes in use by active transactions. For the vinyl storage engine, this is the total size of all allocated objects (struct txv, struct vy_tx, struct vy_read_interval) and tuples pinned for those objects.

Provides a memory usage report for the slab allocator. The slab allocator is the main allocator used to store tuples. The following metrics help monitor the total memory usage and memory fragmentation. To learn more about use cases, refer to the box.slab submodule documentation.

Available memory, bytes:

tnt_slab_quota_size Amount of memory available to store tuples and indexes. Is equal to memtx_memory.
tnt_slab_arena_size Total memory available to store both tuples and indexes. Includes allocated but currently free slabs.
tnt_slab_items_size Total amount of memory available to store only tuples and not indexes. Includes allocated but currently free slabs.

Memory usage, bytes:

tnt_slab_quota_used The amount of memory that is already reserved by the slab allocator.
tnt_slab_arena_used The effective memory used to store both tuples and indexes. Disregards allocated but currently free slabs.
tnt_slab_items_used The effective memory used to store only tuples and not indexes. Disregards allocated but currently free slabs.

Memory utilization, %:

tnt_slab_quota_used_ratio tnt_slab_quota_used / tnt_slab_quota_size
tnt_slab_arena_used_ratio tnt_slab_arena_used / tnt_slab_arena_size
tnt_slab_items_used_ratio tnt_slab_items_used / tnt_slab_items_size

The following metrics provide specific information about each individual space in a Tarantool instance.

tnt_space_len Number of records in the space. This metric always has 2 labels: {name="test", engine="memtx"}, where name is the name of the space and engine is the engine of the space.
tnt_space_bsize Total number of bytes in all tuples. This metric always has 2 labels: {name="test", engine="memtx"}, where name is the name of the space and engine is the engine of the space.
tnt_space_index_bsize Total number of bytes taken by the index. This metric always has 2 labels: {name="test", index_name="pk"}, where name is the name of the space and index_name is the name of the index.
tnt_space_total_bsize Total size of tuples and all indexes in the space. This metric always has 2 labels: {name="test", engine="memtx"}, where name is the name of the space and engine is the engine of the space.
tnt_vinyl_tuples Total tuple count for vinyl. This metric always has 2 labels: {name="test", engine="vinyl"}, where name is the name of the space and engine is the engine of the space. For vinyl this metric is disabled by default and can be enabled only with global variable setup: rawset(_G, 'include_vinyl_count', true).

Network activity stats. These metrics can be used to monitor network load, usage peaks, and traffic drops.

Sent bytes:

tnt_net_sent_total Bytes sent from the instance over the network since the instance’s start time

Received bytes:

tnt_net_received_total Bytes received by the instance since start time


tnt_net_connections_total Number of incoming network connections since the instance’s start time
tnt_net_connections_current Number of active network connections


tnt_net_requests_total Number of network requests the instance has handled since its start time
tnt_net_requests_current Number of pending network requests

Requests in progress:

tnt_net_requests_in_progress_total Total count of requests processed by tx thread
tnt_net_requests_in_progress_current Count of requests currently being processed in the tx thread

Requests placed in queues of streams:

tnt_net_requests_in_stream_total Total count of requests, which was placed in queues of streams for all time
tnt_net_requests_in_stream_current Count of requests currently waiting in queues of streams

Since Tarantool 2.10 in each network metric has the label thread, showing per-thread network statistics.

Provides the statistics for fibers. If your application creates a lot of fibers, you can use the metrics below to monitor fiber count and memory usage.

tnt_fiber_amount Number of fibers
tnt_fiber_csw Overall number of fiber context switches
tnt_fiber_memalloc Amount of memory reserved for fibers
tnt_fiber_memused Amount of memory used by fibers

You can collect iproto requests an instance has processed and aggregate them by request type. This may help you find out what operations your clients perform most often.

tnt_stats_op_total Total number of calls since server start

To distinguish between request types, this metric has the operation label. For example, it can look as follows: {operation="select"}. For the possible request types, check the table below.

auth Authentication requests
call Requests to execute stored procedures
delete Delete calls
error Requests resulted in an error
eval Calls to evaluate Lua code
execute Execute SQL calls
insert Insert calls
prepare SQL prepare calls
replace Replace calls
select Select calls
update Update calls
upsert Upsert calls

Provides the current replication status. Learn more about replication in Tarantool.

tnt_info_lsn LSN of the instance.
tnt_info_vclock LSN number in vclock. This metric always has the label {id="id"}, where id is the instance’s number in the replica set.
tnt_replication_lsn LSN of the tarantool instance. This metric always has labels {id="id", type="type"}, where id is the instance’s number in the replica set, type is master or replica.
tnt_replication_lag Replication lag value in seconds. This metric always has labels {id="id", stream="stream"}, where id is the instance’s number in the replica set, stream is downstream or upstream.
tnt_replication_status This metrics equals 1 when replication status is “follow” and 0 otherwise. This metric always has labels {id="id", stream="stream"}, where id is the instance’s number in the replica set, stream is downstream or upstream.

tnt_runtime_lua Lua garbage collector size in bytes
tnt_runtime_used Number of bytes used for the Lua runtime
tnt_runtime_tuple Number of bytes used for the tuples (except tuples owned by memtx and vinyl)


Number of instance issues. This metric always has the label {level="critical"}, where level is the level of the issue:

  • critical is associated with critical instance problems, such as the case when there is more than 90% memory used.
  • warning is associated with other cluster problems, such as replication issues on the instance.
tnt_cartridge_cluster_issues Sum of instance issues number over cluster.

Clock drift across the cluster. This metric always has the label {delta="..."}, which has the following possible values:

  • max – difference with the fastest clock (always positive),
  • min – difference with the slowest clock (always negative).
tnt_cartridge_failover_trigger_total Count of failover triggers in cluster.

LuaJIT metrics provide an insight into the work of the Lua garbage collector. These metrics are available in Tarantool 2.6 and later.

General JIT metrics:

lj_jit_snap_restore_total Overall number of snap restores
lj_jit_trace_num Number of JIT traces
lj_jit_trace_abort_total Overall number of abort traces
lj_jit_mcode_size Total size of allocated machine code areas

JIT strings:

lj_strhash_hit_total Number of strings being interned
lj_strhash_miss_total Total number of string allocations

GC steps:

lj_gc_steps_atomic_total Count of incremental GC steps (atomic state)
lj_gc_steps_sweepstring_total Count of incremental GC steps (sweepstring state)
lj_gc_steps_finalize_total Count of incremental GC steps (finalize state)
lj_gc_steps_sweep_total Count of incremental GC steps (sweep state)
lj_gc_steps_propagate_total Count of incremental GC steps (propagate state)
lj_gc_steps_pause_total Count of incremental GC steps (pause state)


lj_gc_strnum Number of allocated string objects
lj_gc_tabnum Number of allocated table objects
lj_gc_cdatanum Number of allocated cdata objects
lj_gc_udatanum Number of allocated udata objects
lj_gc_freed_total Total amount of freed memory
lj_gc_memory Current allocated Lua memory
lj_gc_allocated_total Total amount of allocated memory

The following metrics provide CPU usage statistics. They are only available on Linux.

tnt_cpu_number Total number of processors configured by the operating system
tnt_cpu_time Host CPU time

Tarantool thread CPU time. This metric always has the labels {kind="user", thread_name="tarantool", thread_pid="pid", file_name="init.lua"}, where:

  • kind can be either user or system
  • thread_name is tarantool, wal, iproto, or coio
  • file_name is the entrypoint file name, for example, init.lua.

There are also two cross-platform metrics, which can be obtained with a getrusage() call.

tnt_cpu_user_time Tarantool CPU user time
tnt_cpu_system_time Tarantool CPU system time

Vinyl metrics provide vinyl engine statistics.

The disk metrics are used to monitor overall data size on disk.

tnt_vinyl_disk_data_size Amount of data in bytes stored in the .run files located in vinyl_dir
tnt_vinyl_disk_index_size Amount of data in bytes stored in the .index files located in vinyl_dir

The vinyl regulator decides when to commence disk IO actions. It groups activities in batches so that they are more consistent and efficient.

tnt_vinyl_regulator_dump_bandwidth Estimated average dumping rate, bytes per second. The rate value is initially 10485760 (10 megabytes per second). It is recalculated depending on the the actual rate. Only significant dumps that are larger than 1 MB are used for estimating.
tnt_vinyl_regulator_write_rate Actual average rate of performing write operations, bytes per second. The rate is calculated as a 5-second moving average. If the metric value is gradually going down, this can indicate disk issues.
tnt_vinyl_regulator_rate_limit Write rate limit, bytes per second. The regulator imposes the limit on transactions based on the observed dump/compaction performance. If the metric value is down to approximately 10^5, this indicates issues with the disk or the scheduler.
tnt_vinyl_regulator_dump_watermark Maximum amount of memory in bytes used for in-memory storing of a vinyl LSM tree. When this maximum is accessed, a dump must occur. For details, see Filling an LSM tree. The value is slightly smaller than the amount of memory allocated for vinyl trees, reflected in the vinyl_memory parameter.
tnt_vinyl_regulator_blocked_writers The number of fibers that are blocked waiting for Vinyl level0 memory quota.

tnt_vinyl_tx_commit Counter of commits (successful transaction ends) Includes implicit commits: for example, any insert operation causes a commit unless it is within a box.begin()box.commit() block.
tnt_vinyl_tx_rollback Сounter of rollbacks (unsuccessful transaction ends). This is not merely a count of explicit box.rollback() requests – it includes requests that ended with errors.
tnt_vinyl_tx_conflict Counter of conflicts that caused transactions to roll back. The ratio tnt_vinyl_tx_conflict / tnt_vinyl_tx_commit above 5% indicates that vinyl is not healthy. At that moment, you’ll probably see a lot of other problems with vinyl.
tnt_vinyl_tx_read_views Current number of read views – that is, transactions that entered the read-only state to avoid conflict temporarily. Usually the value is 0. If it stays non-zero for a long time, it is indicative of a memory leak.

The following metrics show state memory areas used by vinyl for caches and write buffers.

tnt_vinyl_memory_tuple_cache Amount of memory in bytes currently used to store tuples (data)
tnt_vinyl_memory_level0 “Level 0” (L0) memory area, bytes. L0 is the area that vinyl can use for in-memory storage of an LSM tree. By monitoring this metric, you can see when L0 is getting close to its maximum (tnt_vinyl_regulator_dump_watermark), at which time a dump will occur. You can expect L0 = 0 immediately after the dump operation is completed.
tnt_vinyl_memory_page_index Amount of memory in bytes currently used to store indexes. If the metric value is close to vinyl_memory, this indicates that vinyl_page_size was chosen incorrectly.
tnt_vinyl_memory_bloom_filter Amount of memory in bytes used by bloom filters.

The vinyl scheduler invokes the regulator and updates the related variables. This happens once per second.


Number of scheduler dump/compaction tasks. The metric always has label {status = <status_value>}, where <status_value> can be one of the following:

  • inprogress for currently running tasks
  • completed for successfully completed tasks
  • failed for tasks aborted due to errors.
tnt_vinyl_scheduler_dump_time Total time in seconds spent by all worker threads performing dumps.
tnt_vinyl_scheduler_dump_total Counter of dumps completed.

Event loop tx thread information:

tnt_ev_loop_time Event loop time (ms)
tnt_ev_loop_prolog_time Event loop prolog time (ms)
tnt_ev_loop_epilog_time Event loop epilog time (ms)

Shows the current state of a synchronous replication.

tnt_synchro_queue_owner Instance ID of the current synchronous replication master.
tnt_synchro_queue_term Current queue term.
tnt_synchro_queue_len How many transactions are collecting confirmations now.
tnt_synchro_queue_busy Whether the queue is processing any system entry (CONFIRM/ROLLBACK/PROMOTE/DEMOTE).

Shows the current state of a replica set node in regards to leader election.


election state (mode) of the node. When election is enabled, the node is writable only in the leader state. Possible values:

  • 0 (follower) – all the non-leader nodes are called followers
  • 1 (candidate) – the nodes that start a new election round are called candidates.
  • 2 (leader) – the node that collected a quorum of votes becomes the leader
tnt_election_vote ID of a node the current node votes for. If the value is 0, it means the node hasn’t voted in the current term yet.
tnt_election_leader Leader node ID in the current term. If the value is 0, it means the node doesn’t know which node is the leader in the current term.
tnt_election_term Current election term.
tnt_election_leader_idle Time in seconds since the last interaction with the known leader.

Memtx mvcc memory statistics. Transaction manager consists of two parts: - the transactions themselves (TXN section) - MVCC

tnt_memtx_tnx_statements are the transaction statements.

For example, the user started a transaction and made an action in it space:replace{0, 1}. Under the hood, this operation will turn into statement for the current transaction. This metric always has the label {kind="..."}, which has the following possible values:

  • total The number of bytes that are allocated for the statements of all current transactions.
  • average Average bytes used by transactions for statements ( bytes / number of open transactions).
  • max The maximum number of bytes used by one the current transaction for statements.

In Tarantool C API there is a function box_txn_alloc(). By using this function user can allocate memory for the current transaction. This metric always has the label {kind="..."}, which has the following possible values:

  • total Memory allocated by the box_txn_alloc() function on all current transactions.
  • average Transaction average (total allocated bytes / number of all current transactions).
  • max The maximum number of bytes allocated by box_txn_alloc() function per transaction.

There are internals: logs, savepoints. This metric always has the label {kind="..."}, which has the following possible values:

  • total Memory allocated by internals on all current transactions.
  • average Average allocated memory by internals (total memory / number of all current transactions).
  • max The maximum number of bytes allocated by internals per transaction.

mvcc is responsible for the isolation of transactions. It detects conflicts and makes sure that tuples that are no longer in the space, but read by some transaction (or can be read) have not been deleted.


Trackers that keep track of transaction reads. This metric always has the label {kind="..."}, which has the following possible values:

  • total Trackers of all current transactions are allocated in total (in bytes).
  • average Average for all current transactions (total memory bytes / number of transactions).
  • max Maximum trackers allocated per transaction (in bytes).

Allocated in case of transaction conflicts. This metric always has the label {kind="..."}, which has the following possible values:

  • total Bytes allocated for conflicts in total.
  • average Average for all current transactions (total memory bytes / number of transactions).
  • max Maximum bytes allocated for conflicts per transaction.

Saved tuples are divided into 3 categories: used, read_view, tracking.

Each category has two metrics: - retained tuples - they are no longer in the index, but MVCC does not allow them to be removed. - stories - MVCC is based on the story mechanism, almost every tuple has a story. This is a separate metric because even the tuples that are in the index can have a story. So stories and retained need to be measured separately.


Tuples that are used by active read-write transactions. This metric always has the label {kind="..."}, which has the following possible values:

  • count Number of used tuples / number of stories.
  • total Amount of bytes used by stories used tuples.

Tuples that are used by active read-write transactions. But they are no longer in the index, but MVCC does not allow them to be removed. This metric always has the label {kind="..."}, which has the following possible values:

  • count Number of retained used tuples / number of stories.
  • total Amount of bytes used by retained used tuples.

Tuples that are not used by active read-write transactions, but are used by read-only transactions (i.e. in read view). This metric always has the label {kind="..."}, which has the following possible values:

  • count Number of read_view tuples / number of stories.
  • total Amount of bytes used by stories read_view tuples.

Tuples that are not used by active read-write transactions, but are used by read-only transactions (i.e. in read view). This tuples are no longer in the index, but MVCC does not allow them to be removed. This metric always has the label {kind="..."}, which has the following possible values:

  • count Number of retained read_view tuples / number of stories.
  • total Amount of bytes used by retained read_view tuples.

Tuples that are not directly used by any transactions, but are used by MVCC to track reads. This metric always has the label {kind="..."}, which has the following possible values:

  • count Number of tracking tuples / number of tracking stories.
  • total Amount of bytes used by stories tracking tuples.

Tuples that are not directly used by any transactions, but are used by MVCC to track reads. This tuples are no longer in the index, but MVCC does not allow them to be removed. This metric always has the label {kind="..."}, which has the following possible values:

  • count Number of retained tracking tuples / number of stories.
  • total Amount of bytes used by retained tracking tuples.
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