Notes for operating systems | Tarantool
Notes for operating systems

Notes for operating systems

Mac OS

On Mac OS, you can administer Tarantool instances only with tarantoolctl. No native system tools are supported.


To make tarantoolctl work along with init.d utilities on FreeBSD, use paths other than those suggested in Instance configuration. Instead of /usr/share/tarantool/ directory, use /usr/local/etc/tarantool/ and create the following subdirectories:

  • default for tarantoolctl defaults (see example below),
  • instances.available for all available instance files, and
  • instances.enabled for instance files to be auto-started by sysvinit.

Here is an example of tarantoolctl defaults on FreeBSD:

default_cfg = {
    pid_file   = "/var/run/tarantool", -- /var/run/tarantool/${INSTANCE}.pid
    wal_dir    = "/var/db/tarantool", -- /var/db/tarantool/${INSTANCE}/
    snap_dir   = "/var/db/tarantool", -- /var/db/tarantool/${INSTANCE}
    logger     = "/var/log/tarantool", -- /var/log/tarantool/${INSTANCE}.log
    username   = "tarantool",

-- instances.available - all available instances
-- instances.enabled - instances to autostart by sysvinit
instance_dir = "/usr/local/etc/tarantool/instances.available"
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