Starting/stopping an instance | Tarantool
Administration Starting/stopping an instance

Starting/stopping an instance

While a Lua application is executed by Tarantool, an instance file is executed by tarantoolctl which is a Tarantool script.

Here is what tarantoolctl does when you issue the command:

$ tarantoolctl start <instance_name>
  1. Read and parse the command line arguments. The last argument, in our case, contains an instance name.

  2. Read and parse its own configuration file. This file contains tarantoolctl defaults, like the path to the directory where instances should be searched for.

    When tarantool is invoked by root, it looks for a configuration file in /etc/default/tarantool. When tarantool is invoked by a local (non-root) user, it looks for a configuration file first in the current directory ($PWD/.tarantoolctl), and then in the current user’s home directory ($HOME/.config/tarantool/tarantool). If no configuration file is found there, or in the /usr/local/etc/default/tarantool file, then tarantoolctl falls back to built-in defaults.

  3. Look up the instance file in the instance directory, for example /etc/tarantool/instances.enabled. To build the instance file path, tarantoolctl takes the instance name, prepends the instance directory and appends “.lua” extension to the instance file.

  4. Override box.cfg{} function to pre-process its parameters and ensure that instance paths are pointing to the paths defined in the tarantoolctl configuration file. For example, if the configuration file specifies that instance work directory must be in /var/tarantool, then the new implementation of box.cfg{} ensures that work_dir parameter in box.cfg{} is set to /var/tarantool/<instance_name>, regardless of what the path is set to in the instance file itself.

  5. Create a so-called “instance control file”. This is a Unix socket with Lua console attached to it. This file is used later by tarantoolctl to query the instance state, send commands to the instance and so on.

  6. Set the TARANTOOLCTL environment variable to ‘true’. This allows the user to know that the instance was started by tarantoolctl.

  7. Finally, use Lua dofile command to execute the instance file.

If you start an instance using systemd tools, like this (the instance name is my_app):

$ systemctl start tarantool@my_app
$ ps axuf|grep my_app
taranto+  5350  1.3  0.3 1448872 7736 ?        Ssl  20:05   0:28 tarantool my_app.lua <running>

… this actually calls tarantoolctl like in case of tarantoolctl start my_app.

To check the instance file for syntax errors prior to starting my_app instance, say:

$ tarantoolctl check my_app

To enable my_app instance for auto-load during system startup, say:

$ systemctl enable tarantool@my_app

To stop a running my_app instance, say:

$ tarantoolctl stop my_app
$ # - OR -
$ systemctl stop tarantool@my_app

To restart (i.e. stop and start) a running my_app instance, say:

$ tarantoolctl restart my_app
$ # - OR -
$ systemctl restart tarantool@my_app

Sometimes you may need to run a Tarantool instance locally, e.g. for test purposes. Let’s configure a local instance, then start and monitor it with tarantoolctl.

First, we create a sandbox directory on the user’s path:

$ mkdir ~/tarantool_test

… and set default tarantoolctl configuration in $HOME/.config/tarantool/tarantool. Let the file contents be:

default_cfg = {
    pid_file  = "/home/user/tarantool_test/",
    wal_dir   = "/home/user/tarantool_test",
    snap_dir  = "/home/user/tarantool_test",
    vinyl_dir = "/home/user/tarantool_test",
    log       = "/home/user/tarantool_test/log",
instance_dir = "/home/user/tarantool_test"


  • Specify a full path to the user’s home directory instead of “~/”.
  • Omit username parameter. tarantoolctl normally doesn’t have permissions to switch current user when invoked by a local user. The instance will be running under ‘admin’.

Next, we create the instance file ~/tarantool_test/my_app.lua. Let the file contents be:

box.cfg{listen = 3301}
fiber = require('fiber')'tester')'primary',{})
i = 0
while 0 == 0 do
    i = i + 1
    print('insert ' .. i){i, 'my_app tuple'}

Let’s verify our instance file by starting it without tarantoolctl first:

$ cd ~/tarantool_test
$ tarantool my_app.lua
2017-04-06 10:42:15.762 [54085] main/101/my_app.lua C> version 1.7.3-489-gd86e36d5b
2017-04-06 10:42:15.763 [54085] main/101/my_app.lua C> log level 5
2017-04-06 10:42:15.764 [54085] main/101/my_app.lua I> mapping 268435456 bytes for tuple arena...
2017-04-06 10:42:15.774 [54085] iproto/101/main I> binary: bound to [::]:3301
2017-04-06 10:42:15.774 [54085] main/101/my_app.lua I> initializing an empty data directory
2017-04-06 10:42:15.789 [54085] snapshot/101/main I> saving snapshot `./00000000000000000000.snap.inprogress'
2017-04-06 10:42:15.790 [54085] snapshot/101/main I> done
2017-04-06 10:42:15.791 [54085] main/101/my_app.lua I> vinyl checkpoint done
2017-04-06 10:42:15.791 [54085] main/101/my_app.lua I> ready to accept requests
insert 1
insert 2
insert 3

Now we tell tarantoolctl to start the Tarantool instance:

$ tarantoolctl start my_app

Expect to see messages indicating that the instance has started. Then:

$ ls -l ~/tarantool_test/my_app

Expect to see the .snap file and the .xlog file. Then:

$ less ~/tarantool_test/log/my_app.log

Expect to see the contents of my_app‘s log, including error messages, if any. Then:

$ tarantoolctl enter my_app
tarantool> box.cfg{}
tarantool> console = require('console')
tarantool> console.connect('localhost:3301')
tarantool>{0}, {iterator = 'GE'})

Expect to see several tuples that my_app has created.

Stop now. A polite way to stop my_app is with tarantoolctl, thus we say:

$ tarantoolctl stop my_app

Finally, we make a cleanup.

$ rm -R tarantool_test
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